International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 34 Issue 3/4
Table of contents
New economy – new business models – new approaches
David WaltersTowards the end of the twentieth century a number of changes occurred that suggest that organisational structures and management attitudes and behaviour in the foreseeable future…
Demand and supply chains:the value catalyst
Mark RainbirdThe notion that firms have demand chains as well as supply chains is one that is gaining currency. It is suggested that taking a broad perspective of the demand chain as all those…
Creating and managing value in collaborative networks
Umit S. Bititci, Veronica Martinez, Pavel Albores, Joniarto ParungThis is a theoretical paper that examines the interplay between individual and collective capabilities and competencies and value transactions in collaborative environments. The…
Vendor development and control:its linkage with demand chain
A. Seetharaman, A. Ali Khatibi, Wu Swee TingExplains the linkage of vendor development and control as an integral factor of value on demand chain logistics. Presents a comparison of the traditional purchasing function with…
Total relationship and logistics management
Mosad ZineldinProposes that many of business and non‐business disciplines have much to offer logistics. Also reveals that there are many theories from other disciplines that are potentially…
Managing the value delivery process
Trevor Turner, Veronica Martinez, Umit BititciThis paper introduces a reference model for the life cycle of a logical business unit (LBU). It goes on to explain how the model was deduced from empirical data generated during…
The advent of manufacturing technology and its implications for the development of the value chain
Rakesh K. Agrawal, Hilal HurriyetThis world has moved into the “Organic Era” requiring the development of “organic organisations” that would have characteristics similar to those in the “natural systems”. The…
A framework for operations management: the value chain
Mark RainbirdProposes that a broad perspective needs to be taken of operations management, so that it is no longer seen as the domain of mechanistic functionalism, but rather as the architect…
A business model for the new economy
David WaltersThe new economy brought with it a new approach to designing business models. Not too many years ago the familiar organisation structure was dominated by a traditional view of…
Measuring the implications of virtual integration in the new economy: A process‐led approach
Patrick Carr, Mark Rainbird, David WaltersAddresses the appropriate structuring of the firm's business model in the context of new economy holonic networks. States that this requires some framework for analysing the…

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao