International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 34 Issue 10
Table of contents
Promoting the value of logistics to future business leaders: An exploratory study using a principles of marketing experience
A. Michael Knemeyer, Paul R. MurphyDespite the increased importance and corporate visibility of logistics – and its concomitant opportunities – the demand for college educated entry‐level logisticians continues to…
Reconfiguration of supply chains and implications for transport: A Danish study
Olga W. Lemoine, Tage Skjoett‐LarsenA large number of firms have reconfigured their supply chains. The general trends entail, among others, the reduction, centralization and re‐location of plants and distribution…
A pilot study on normalized weighted approach to citation study: A case of logistics and transportation journals
Vikas Kumar, Ik‐Whan G. KwonThe results from citation studies of journals have often been used as a benchmark in evaluating a faculty member's productivity for tenure, salary adjustment, teaching load…
A supply chain diagnostic tool
James H. Foggin, John T. Mentzer, Carol L. MonroeHow can a third‐party logistics (3PL) provider decide whether or not there is a viable opportunity to serve the needs and desires of potential clients? To answer this question, a…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao