International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 32 Issue 5
Table of contents
Logistics needs qualitative research – especially action research
Dag NäslundThis paper describes how qualitative research methods, particularly action research case studies, can contribute to further advance and develop logistics research. The paper also…
The rhetoric and reality of supply chain integration
Stanley E. Fawcett, Gregory M. MagnanThe terminology “supply chain management” is used frequently in today’s materials management environment and is generally associated with advanced information technologies, rapid…
Distribution structures for food home shopping
René (Marinus) B.M. de KosterIn this paper, the relation between the constructs operational complexity, Web‐based orientation of the company and the company’s distribution structure used for the fulfilment of…
Linking warehouse complexity to warehouse planning and control structure: An exploratory study of the use of warehouse management information systems
Nynke Faber, René (Marinus) B.M. de Koster, Steef L. van de VeldeWarehousing is becoming more and more a critical activity in the supply chain to outperform competitors on customer service, lead times, and costs. However, if warehousing is to…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao