International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 27 Issue 5/6
Table of contents
Physical distribution organization and information systems development: their status among American business firms
Richard Lancioni, John GrashofReveals that physical distribution organization and information system development among US manufacturing firms is still in a period of transmission. Concludes that many problems…
Job assignments in physical distribution organizations
John J. WitheyDeals with the structural problem of how to allocate work to sub‐units or departments within physical distribution organizations. Asks what bases or criteria should be followed in…
Organization design strategies for business logistics
Göran PerssonIdentifies and discusses three different approaches to the organization of the logistics function in a firm. Develops a model to explain the basic design strategies for logistics…
Physical distribution organization in multinationals: the position of authority
Jacques PicardPresents an exploratory study to define the organizational approaches available to multinational corporations in their attempt to optimize their global PD operations.
Organization for logistics: the contingency approach
Hans‐Christian Pfohl, Werner ZöllnerArgues that the organization for logistics often favours an aggregation of all tasks into one department. This decision presupposes an extensive analysis of important contingency…
Organizational approaches to managing international sourcing
Larry C. Giunipero, Robert M. MonczkaDiscusses analysis of the organizational structures utilized to conduct international purchasing activities which was undertaken at 24 multinational corporations. The majority of…
Organizational structure in divisionalized manufacturers: the potential for outsourcing logistical services
Patricia J. Daugherty, Cornelia DrögePosits that, in recent years, more firms have chosen to use outside service vendors to provide at least a portion of their logistical support requirements. Presents projected…
Boundary‐spanning interfaces between logistics, production, marketing and new product development
Edward A. Morash, Cornelia Dröge, Shawnee VickeryInvestigates performance relationships for interfunctional process integration and specific logistics interface capabilities. The results indicate that competitive advantage is…

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao