International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 26 Issue 9
Table of contents
Russian language logistics terminology: an attempt at systematization
Andrei N. RodnikovPresents the Concise Dictionary of Business Logistics (CDBL) published in Russia in 1995. The CDBL with its 900 entries is both an A to Z reference work and a Russian language…
Operating in the Caribbean: a logistics perspective
Matthew B. Myers, Stanley E. Fawcett, Sheldon R. SmithNotes the various factors, e.g. increased domestic production costs, which have led many US firms to pursue production sharing efforts in overseas regions. Also that areas having…
Achieving superior operating performance from integrated pipeline management: an empirical study
Cipriano ForzaOffers a reference model for the study of influences that new approaches to channel co‐ordination have on company operating performance. Presents three propositions concerning the…
Internal, vertical and horizontal logistics integration in Italian grocery distribution
Mauro Caputo, Valeria MininnoNotes that logistics costs in the grocery sector, in Italy, are about 25,000 billion lire and that in order to reduce these costs logistics integration has to be improved between…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao