International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 25 Issue 6
Table of contents
The integrated logistics management system: a framework and case study
Huan Neng ChiuPresents a framework for distribution companies to establish andimprove their logistics systems continuously. Recently, much attentionhas been given to automation in services, the…
EDI usage in the motor carrier industry: a comparison of practice from 1991 to 1994
Robert A. Millen, James UkenaReports on the status of electronic data interchange (EDI) usage bymotor carrier firms in 1994. The same methodology was employed as in asimilar study conducted in 1991, thereby…
Comparing domestic and international distributors’ performance: A manufacturer’s perspective
Roy F. CabanissDiscusses a survey which was administered to a group ofmanufacturers wherein they were asked to evaluate the performance oftheir domestic and international distributors. These…
Manufacturer and warehouse selection for stable relationships in dynamic wholesaling and location problems
Rajesh Tyagi, Chandrasekhar DasApplies the concept of buyer‐seller relationship to long‐termplanning of wholesaling operations. Current practices indicate that thiskind of relational exchange reduces overall…

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao