International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 25 Issue 10
Table of contents
Themes for facilitating material flow in manufacturing systems
Alan HarrisonOrganizes the wide‐ranging literature on “new wavemanufacturing” factors which impact on the flow of materials intosix themes which are related to a conceptual model. The six…
International logistics and one‐stop shopping
Janjaap Semeijn, David B. VellengaOne‐stop shopping for logistics services has been a popular conceptin theory, but so far has not been very successful in practice. Reviewsthe theoretical basis for the concept and…
Predictors of relationships among buying and supplying firms
Robert M. Monczka, Thomas J. Callahan, Ernest L. NicholsAnalyses responses from over 700 suppliers about theirrelationships with one of five different manufacturing firms. Finds thatco‐operation, years as supplier, and perceived…
Research frameworks in logistics: three models, seven dinners and a survey
Stephen J. New, Philip PayneAlthough there is growing enthusiasm for supply chain managementand integrated logistics, much prescriptive writing rests on a flimsyempirical base. Explores the methodological…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao