International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 24 Issue 5
Table of contents
Supplier Involvement in Integrated Product Development: A Comparison of US and European Practices
Laura M. Birou, Stanley E. FawcettIncreasing competitive parity in the areas of cost and quality hasforced global manufacturers to seek other sources of competitiveadvantage with new product development rapidly…
The Impact of Interorganizational Alliances in Improving Supplier Quality
Joseph R. Carter, Lisa M. EllramExamines the interorganizational alliance of a buyer and supplier withthe expressed objective of improving the quality of existing purchasedparts. Supplier quality can be improved…
International Supplier Selection: : A Multi‐attribute Utility Approach
Hokey MinIn an era of global sourcing, the multinational firm′s success oftenhinges on the most appropriate selection of its foreign suppliers.International supplier selection, however, is…
A Two‐step Model of Influence in Group Purchasing Decisions
Elizabeth J. Wilson, Arch G. WoodsideExplores antecedents of individual influence in organizationalpurchasing decisions made by buying centres. Proposes a two‐step modelwhereby individual influence is a function of…
Purchasing Strategies for Environmental Restoration Projects
David J. Murphy, Michael E. HeberlingThe field of environmental restoration is unique and highly complex. Thepurchasing function will be responsible for acquiring the restorationservices for much of America′s…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao