International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 23 Issue 8


Table of contents

Sourcing from Central and Eastern Europe: Conditions and Implementation

Hans‐Christian Pfohl, Rudolf Large

Describes the country‐specific conditions and developments inCentral and Eastern Europe, the risks and opportunities of sourcing inthis region and the measures necessary to…

Decision Making in Purchases of Equipment and Materials: A Four‐country Comparison

Melvin R. Mattson, Esmail Salehi‐Sangari

Compares the processes for decision making during the acquisitionof equipment and materials among firms in the USA, Sweden, France andSoutheast Asia. Reports the findings from a…

An Assessment of Supplier Selection: Chinese Purchasing Managers′ Criteria and Their Implications for Western Marketers

Chiang‐nan Chao, Eberhard E. Scheuing, Khalid M. Dubas, Venkatapparao Mummalaneni

China′s foreign trade and investment policies have appeared moreattractive to Western marketers in recent years. China presents anopportunity for huge market potential and rapid…

An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Exchange Management Strategies in International Sourcing

Shawnee K. Vickery, Joseph R. Carter, Michael P. D’Itri

Examines the cost performance of various strategies for managingforeign exchange risk in international sourcing. The strategiesrepresent a broad spectrum of approaches to exchange…

Purchasing Logistics Services in a Transborder Situation: Logistics Outsourcing in US‐Mexico Coproduction

Arnold Maltz, Linda Riley, Kevin Boberg

One strategy for dealing with the increasing problem ofcross‐border movement is to involve third‐party specialists. Reports onan investigation of third‐party use in maquiladora or…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao