International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 23 Issue 3
Table of contents
Microcomputers versus Mainframes: Use among Logistics and Marketing Professionals
John T. Mentzer, Nimish GandhiOne concern for logistics managers is the use of new technology.Such an example of technology utilization is the use of computers bymanagers in logistics. Investigates the nature…
Selecting International Freight Forwarders: An Expert Systems Application
Aysegül Özsomer, Michel Mitri, S. Tamer CavusgilThe recent changes in the international forwarding environment havewitnessed the emergence of “new forms” of forwardersincorporating a broad spectrum of services under one roof…
Use of Analytic Hierarchic Process for Evaluating Sources of Supply
R.P. Mohanty, S.G. DeshmukhPresents an application of analytic hierarchic process (AHP) forevaluating the sources of supply in a materials management situation.Evaluation of alternative sources is an…
The Freight Transport Market: Buyer‐Seller Relationships and Selection Criteria
James L. WhyteIn the UK the last decade has been a period in which the supply offreight transport services has generally exceeded demand, while both thecharacteristics of the transport…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao