International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 22 Issue 8
Table of contents
EDI‐induced Redesign of Co‐ordination in Logistics
Haydee S. SheombarArgues that, in order to use electronic data interchange (EDI)optimally, the current ways of working need to be redesigned. Here thesubject‐matter for redesign is the…
Enhancing Service Responsiveness: The Strategic Potential of EDI
Dale S. Rogers, Patricia J. Daugherty, Theodore P. StankReports a recent survey of warehousing firms which examined theextent of involvement in electronic data interchange (EDI) and theimpact which EDI has had on the firms′ operations…
Electronic Data Interchange: The Warehouse and Supplier Interface
Mark A. Raney, Clyde Kenneth WalterDetails an investigation into the extent to which electronic datainterchange (EDI) is used in warehouses to communicate with suppliers(as opposed to customers). A questionnaire…
The US Motor Carrier Industry: The Extent and Nature of EDI Use
Benjamin J. Allen, Michael R. Crum, Charles D. BraunschweigEstimates the extent to which electronic data interchange (EDI) iscurrently used in the motor carrier industry and examines motor carrierEDI issues. The analysis is based on data…
EDI: An Advantage or Disadvantage for Remotely‐situated Countries?
Lauri Ojala, Reima SuomiInformation technology in its various forms is one key component inthe effort to increase efficiency in the transport industry. Electronicdata interchange (EDI), especially, in…
Technology Strategy: EDI and Global Air Express
Gray C. Ligon, Ronald L. Schill, F. Patrick O′DonnellAims to provide a model of technology strategy, which shows howfirms can strategically plan for and adopt new information technology.The critical issue in managing technology…

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao