International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 22 Issue 5
Table of contents
Industrial Dynamics Simulation Models in the Design of Supply Chains
D.R. Towill, M.M. Naim, J. WiknerReviews the dynamic operation of supply chains and reaches somesimple conclusions for reducing demand amplification, which consequentlyattenuates swings in both production rates…
Characteristics of Transport Managers Which Influence Haulier Selection
James L. WhyteThe UK market for freight transport services used to becharacterized by buyer inertia and high levels of source loyalty. Forthe last decade, suppliers of freight transport…
The Marketing System of the Manila International Container Terminal
Dick Chan Cheung HoStudies the marketing system of the Manila International ContainerTerminal (MICT) in the Philippines. The data collection methodscomprised overseas trips to carry out unstructured…
Support of Successful Just‐in‐Time Implementation: The Changing Role of Purchasing
O. Felix Offodile, David ArringtonAs more and more companies embark on the never‐ending journey ofcontinuous improvement and world‐class manufacturing, their success willdepend to a great extent on their ability…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao