International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 22 Issue 2


Table of contents

Integrating the Use of Computers in Logistics Education

Kant Rao, Alan J. Stenger, Haw‐Jan Wu

An integrated paradigm of using multiple software programs inlogistics education is proposed as an effective problem‐solving tool inaddition to computer programming and…

Restructuring Management towards Better Customer Service: A Case Study

Janet Wickenden

Presents an analysis of customer service in an old‐established foodmanufacturing company against the background of accelerating changes infood retailing. Discusses in detail…

Military Logistics: Insights for Business Logistics

Michael A. McGinnis

During the last 30 years the environments faced by the businesslogistics manager have dramatically increased in complexity. Theintegration of logistics processes with…


Freight Transport in a Changing Environment: Implementation of Deregulation

F.J. Van Zyl

Presents the results of a research effort into the effects ofderegulation of freight transport in South Africa from the carriers′perspective. Describes the major arguments for and…

“Just‐in‐Time” Production and the European Automotive Components Industry

Ray Hudson, David Sadler

The market and political conditions facing Japanese investment inautomobile assembly in Western Europe are wholly different from those inNorth America. Argues in consequence that…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao