International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 22 Issue 1
Table of contents
Exploring the Logistics Interface between Global and JIT Sourcing
Stanley E. Fawcett, Laura M. BirouTwo of the most pervasive trends in purchasing management duringthe 1980s were the increased usage of global sourcing and thedevelopment of JIT sourcing. Both practices have…
Stockout Costs in Distribution Systems for Spare Parts
Arne JensenDetails an empirical study of the measurement of stockout costs ina distribution system and examines the incidence of stockouts in thesupply of spare parts to the motor trade…
Global Logistics Partnership Negotiation
Lloyd M. RinehartUses negotiation concepts as a basis to investigate issuesconcerning the development of logistics partnerships for internationaland global operations. Presents a negotiation model…
Profiling International Freight Forwarders: A Benchmark
Paul R. Murphy, James M. Daley, Douglas R. DalenbergPresents a contemporary baseline study of US‐based internationalfreight forwarders. Provides much needed information on industrycharacteristics, which should reduce the…
Selection of Software: The Analytic Hierarchy Process
Hokey MinWith increasingly complex logistics information technology anddynamic logistics operations in a global setting, today′s logisticsmanagers confront an overwhelming number of…

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao