International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 21 Issue 5
Table of contents
Evolving Sourcing Strategies for the 1990s
Robert M. Monczka, Robert J. TrentEvolving purchasing/sourcing strategies necessary for competitivesuccess during the 1990s are identified. The strategies, identified bypurchasing executives of leading‐edge…
The Transport‐choice Decision Process: The Potential, Methodology and Applications of Script‐theoretic Modelling
R. Mohan PisharodiPast efforts to model freight transport‐choice decision making as abehavioural process have resulted in the development of models which maynot reflect the actual steps…
The Impact of Integrated Logistic Support on the Total Cost‐effectiveness of a System
Benjamin S. BlanchardA major objective in the development of new systems is to fulfilcustomer requirements in a cost‐effective manner. Cost‐effectivenessrelates to the measure of a system in terms of…
Integration of Marketing and Logistics: A Way to Competitive Advantage in South Africa
Ulf M. RemmelLogistics and marketing are both corporate functions that arecritical for the competitive position of an organisation. Traditionally,logistics has been seen as a passive tool…
The Impact of Information Technology on Logistics
Lucas D. IntronaThe purpose is to indicate the potential impact, be it positive ornegative, of information technology on the effective management of thelogistics function. This is achieved by…
Customer Service in Physical Distribution: The Dimensions and Some Strategies for Achieving Them
M. JohnstonPractical issues of customer service within a distributionenvironment are reviewed, with particular reference to the developmentof a structured approach to achieving satisfactory…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao