International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 50 Issue 7


Table of contents

How location-based messages influence customers' store visit attitudes: an integrative model of message value

Tibert Verhagen, Selmar Meents, Jani Merikivi, Anne Moes, Jesse Weltevreden

This study aims to develop an understanding of how customers of a physical retail store valuate receiving location-based mobile phone messages when they are in proximity of the…

The transformative and evolutionary approach of omnichannel in retail companies: insights from multi-case studies in Portugal

Joana Barbosa, Beatriz Casais

Omnichannel implementation in retail requires business transformation and faces several operational barriers. This research discusses how omnichannel has been implemented, in a…


Industry 4.0 enablers in retailing: a literature review

Roberto Bruni, Michela Piccarozzi

The aim of this paper is to study and describe the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept in the retail industry by identifying the technology enablers, the benefits and the challenges…


Integrated store service quality measurement scale in omni-channel retailing

Min Zhang, Yiwei Li, Lin Sun, Farouk Adewale Moustapha

Brick-and-mortar store is an essential channel to deliver a seamless shopping experience and meet customer's dynamic needs in omni-channel retailing. This paper aims to understand…


Understanding the accessibility of retail mobile banking during the COVID-19 pandemic

Muhammad Naeem, Wilson Ozuem, Philippa Ward

This study offers an understanding of vulnerable populations' experiences of actual use of mobile banking and their expectations of mobile banking (MB).


Determining behavioural differences of Y and Z generational cohorts in online shopping

Durgesh Kumar Agrawal

The present study aims at examining the behavioural differences of the Y and Z generational cohorts in online shopping for physical products.

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  • Prof Neil Towers