Table of contents
Customer expectations of unattended grocery delivery services: mapping forms and determinants
John Olsson, Mary Catherine Osman, Daniel Hellström, Yulia VakulenkoIn the rapidly growing e-grocery segment, unattended delivery is an emerging practice with the potential to offer a superior delivery experience. The purpose of this study is to…
Exploring institutional competing logic for sustainability implementation of retail chains
Lina Dagilienė, Viktorija Varaniūtė, Judith Maja PütterTaking into account retailers' critical position in the value chain, their sector's economic significance and environmental externalities, in addition to the institutional agenda…
Towards an increased understanding of learning: a case study of a collaborative relationship between a retailer and a logistics service provider
Linnea Haag, Erik Sandberg, Uni SallnäsThis study aims to explain how learning occurs in collaborative retailer–logistics service provider (LSP) relationships. The research is guided by two research questions…
Exploring digitalisation at IKEA
Johan Hagberg, Anna JonssonThe paper aims to clarify how an incumbent retail organisation explores digitalisation for its existing business.
Effects of virtual stores' opaque exterior on store perceptions and purchase intentions
Haejoo Han, Sujin Park, Kyung Hoon HyunA series of research has focused on how virtual reality (VR) technology itself influences consumers' perceptions and attitudes. However, little is known about consumers' unique…
How the COVID-19 pandemic may accelerate millennials’ adoption of augmented reality
Federica Caboni, Lucia PizzichiniAugmented reality (AR) technology currently plays a central role in the retail sector, rapidly changing consumers’ behaviours and retailers’ strategies. The purpose of this paper…
Last-mile logistics of perishable products: a review of effectiveness and efficiency measures used in empirical research
Madelen Lagin, Johan Håkansson, Carin Nordström, Roger G. Nyberg, Christina ÖbergCurrent online business development redistributes last-mile logistics (LML) from consumer to retailer and producer. This paper identifies how empirical LML research has used and…
Understanding the implementation of retail self-service check-out technologies using necessary condition analysis
Paulo Duarte, Susana C. Silva, Marcelo Augusto Linardi, Beatriz NovaisSelf-service check-out technologies (SSTs) are becoming a trend across different retail settings, allowing companies to gain efficiency and reduce costs. Nevertheless, the success…
Locally produced food for restaurants: a theoretical approach for the supply chain network design
Claudia Paciarotti, Giovanni Mazzuto, Francesco Torregiani, Christian FikarThis paper evaluates the feasibility and benefits of a local food distribution system, which connects farmers and restaurant owners from a logistics perspective. This paper…
Service quality and store design in retail competitiveness
Sílvia Faria, João M.S. Carvalho, Vera Teixeira ValeThis paper aims to analyse the importance of service quality and store design as critical variables to promote differentiation and make consumers feel satisfied and committed to a…
Unethical customer behaviour: causes and consequences
Kathrin Mayr, Teresa Schwendtner, Christoph Teller, Ernst GittenbergerUnethically behaving customers deviating from morally acceptable norms have posed an additional challenge to retailers, frontline employees (FLEs) and other customers in recent…

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- Prof Neil Towers