International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 49 Issue 6


Table of contents

An experimental study of the effect of packaging colour on children's evaluation of packaging and attitude towards the brand

Nora Bezaz, Mathieu Kacha

This article aims to determine how packaging colour (hue, saturation and brightness) for a healthy food product might influence children's evaluation of the packaging and their…


The role of social embarrassment, sustainability, familiarity and perception of hygiene in second-hand clothing purchase experience

Susana C. Silva, Ana Santos, Paulo Duarte, Božidar Vlačić

Second-hand clothing (SHC) has kindled a growing interest among researchers and practitioners. However, despite all the benefits that this market presents, consumer adherence…


Retail store community and its impact on store success

Cara Peters, Charles D. Bodkin

The purpose of the study was to examine the potential outcomes of consumers' intention to engage retail store community. The research question focused on: what impact will…


Premium versus affordable clothing retailers: what are customer expectations for satisfaction and repurchase intentions?

Nicole Cunningham, Christine De Meyer-Heydenrych

Within the highly competitive clothing retail industry, retailers (both affordable and premium) need to consider which customer experience elements drive customer satisfaction and…


The impact of retailers' indoor environmental quality on consumer purchase decision

Van Thac Dang, Ninh Nguyen, Jianming Wang

A review of 67 articles in the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) literature published from 2010 to 2020 reveals that none of prior studies have determined the IEQ of physical…


Examining antecedents of retail employees' propensity to leave

Jungkun Park, Jiseon Ahn, Hyowon Hyun, Brian N. Rutherford

In this study, the authors examine the impacts of two facets of retail employees' cognitive support and affective commitment on emotional labor-related outcomes.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Neil Towers