International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 49 Issue 5


Table of contents

Marketing of vending channels: a case of French university campuses

Dobromir Stoyanov

This study identifies the conventional elements of the vending marketing mix and how they vary across academic segments in the context of a typical French university.

A moderated mediating mechanism of omnichannel customer experiences

Angelina Nhat Hanh Le, Xuan-Doanh Nguyen-Le

The purpose of the paper is to create a well-integrated and unified customer experience anytime, anywhere, through any channel is the leading objective of omnichannel retailers…


Antecedents and consequences of stress in retailing: environmental expectations and promoter scoring

Laura Lucia-Palacios, Raúl Pérez-López, Yolanda Polo-Redondo

The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of the disconfirmation of expectations of crowding and mall accessibility, on stress and two marketing outcomes, satisfaction and…

An examination of the effects of cross-docking on retail out of stock

Yassine Benrqya

The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of cross-docking on the retail out of stock (OOS).

Digital touchpoints and multichannel segmentation approach in the life insurance industry

Mónika Anetta Alt, Zsuzsa Săplăcan, Botond Benedek, Bálint Zsolt Nagy

Digital technology is revolutionizing insurance distribution allowing the insurer companies to reach customers via multichannel. The aim of this study is to segment potential…


Smartphone use during shopping and store loyalty: the role of social influence

Isabelle Collin-Lachaud, Mbaye Fall Diallo

This research seeks to investigate how in-store mobile use affects store loyalty directly or indirectly via the mediation of store value and whether social influence moderates…

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  • Prof Neil Towers