Table of contents
Mitigating demand risk of durable goods in online retailing
Abhijeet Ghadge, Sujoy Bag, Mohit Goswami, Manoj Kumar TiwariAn uncertain product demand in online retailing leads to loss of opportunity cost and customer dissatisfaction due to instances of product unavailability. On the other hand, when…
Consumer responses to online fashion renting: exploring the role of cultural differences
Stacy H. Lee, Ran HuangThe purpose of this study is to explore consumer behaviour in the context of online fashion renting by applying the theory of reasoned action (TRA) to online fashion rental…
Unpacking brand loyalty in retailing: a three-dimensional approach to customer–brand relationships
Mbaye Fall Diallo, Jean-Louis Moulins, Elyette RouxDespite the numerous works on multifaceted relationships between customers and brands, such relationships remain complex and poorly understood in retailing. This research analyses…
Direction of luxury fashion retailers' post-entry expansion – the evidence from China
Huifeng Bai, Julie McColl, Christopher Moore, Weijing He, Jin ShiThis empirical study, from the international retailing perspective, examines the direction of retailers' further expansion after initial entry into overseas host market in the…
The role of need for cognition in consumers' mental imagery: a study of retail brand's Instagram
Ran Huang, Sejin HaDrawn from the concepts of processing fluency and mental imagery, the present study aims to fill the void by developing the mechanism underlying consumers' cognitive processing of…
Online retailing: determinants of competition between multinationals and local firms in emerging markets
Ilke Kardes, Leisa Reinecke Flynn, Michael DuganThe fundamental research question is which aspects of the external environment are most strongly associated with the differential market share between large multinational online…
Choice of prevailing delivery methods in e-grocery: a stated preference ranking experiment
Christina Milioti, Katerina Pramatari, Eleni ZampouThe main purpose of this research is to investigate acceptability of different delivery methods in e-grocery (home delivery, pick-up from store, pick-up from locker) and the…
Investigating consumers' path to showrooming: a perceived value-based perspective
Narasimhan Rajkumar, Pankaj Vishwakarma, Kishore Kumar GangwaniGrounded on the concept of a value trade-off, the authors of this study seek to address the question of why some people visit an offline store before purchasing online. The…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers