Table of contents - Special Issue: Institutional environment and collaborations/consolidations in B2B
Guest Editors: Jacques Boulay
Determinants, transactional alignment, and performance outcomes of franchise contract length
Nina GorovaiaThe purpose of this paper is to explore the determinants, transactional alignment and performance outcomes of franchise contract length using transaction costs theory (TCT) and…
Understanding franchisee performance: The role of the franchisee’s autonomy, affective commitment to the network and innovativeness
Enrico Colla, Maria Eugenia Ruiz-Molina, Catherine Chastenet De Gery, Maryline Schultz, Martine Deparis, Laurence LemmetThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of participative franchising on performance from the franchisee perspective. In particular, the paper analyses the impact of…
Country dispersion in international franchising: system, proportion, and performance
Alexander Rosado-Serrano, Teresa Longobardi, Justin PaulThe purpose of this paper is to examine whether operating countries influence restaurant franchising system performance and what would be an optimal international franchise…

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- Prof Neil Towers