Table of contents
What do we know about consumer m-shopping behaviour?
Hannah R. Marriott, Michael D. Williams, Yogesh K. DwivediThe purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the mobile shopping (m-shopping) acceptance literature to bring international marketing and consumer research attention to…
Factors affecting store image and the choice of hypermarkets in Oman
Rakesh Belwal, Shweta BelwalThe purpose of this paper is to explore the factors affecting store image and customers’ choice of hypermarkets in Oman and compares two big hypermarkets in Sohar– the prominent…
Understanding loyalty in multichannel retailing: the role of brand trust and brand attachment
Marta Frasquet, Alejandro Mollá Descals, Maria Eugenia Ruiz-MolinaThe purpose of this paper is to understand loyalty in the multichannel retail context. The paper analyses the interplay between offline and online loyalty and the direct and…
Mobile payments adoption by US consumers: an extended TAM
Ainsworth Anthony Bailey, Iryna Pentina, Aditya Shankar Mishra, Mohammed Slim Ben MimounThe purpose of this paper is to incorporate mobile payment (MP) self-efficacy, new technology anxiety, and MP privacy concerns into the basic TAM to explore MP adoption…
Explaining small-retailer patronage through social capital theory
Hélène Yildiz, Sandrine Heitz-Spahn, Lydie BelaudThe purpose of this paper is to understand why people shop at small retailers in their community. The authors investigate the influence of consumers’ civic commitment, measured at…
Antecedents and consequences of private brand purchase: A systematic review and a conceptual framework
G. Muruganantham, K. PriyadharshiniThe purpose of this paper is to review existing literature related to private label brands (PLBs) and to identify the antecedents and consequences involved in the private brand…

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- Prof Neil Towers