Table of contents
Multiproduct slot allocation heuristic to minimize storage space
Claudia Battista, Andrea Fumi, Luigi Laura, Massimiliano M. SchiraldiSince developing efficient product-location strategies represents a critical issue in operations management, due to its impact on warehouses performance in terms of both service…
Moderating effects of online shopping experience on customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions
Ilias O. Pappas, Adamantia G. Pateli, Michail N. Giannakos, Vassilios ChrissikopoulosSatisfaction and experience are essential ingredients for successful customer retention. This study aims to verify the moderating effect of experience on two types of…
Exploring logistics performance management in supplier/retailer dyads
Helena ForslundThe first purpose of this study is to explore logistics performance management practices and lessons learned in some supplier/retailer dyads across retail industries. A second…
The impact of store flyers on store performance: a format and customer related approach
Beatrice Luceri, Sabrina Latusi, Donata Tania Vergura, Gianpiero LugliThe study aims to investigate the impact of store flyer characteristics on store performance for different formats (hypermarket and supermarket) and customer segments (additional…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers