Table of contents
Impacts of in‐store manufacturer brand expression on perceived value, relationship quality and attitudinal loyalty
Philippe Aurier, Gilles Séré de LanauzeFor most frequently purchased packaged goods distributed in the super‐hypermarket channel, the store is where a manufacturer's brand can develop its image and its evaluation…
When supermarket consumers get stocked in the middle
Torben Hansen, Jan Møller Jensen, Hans Stubbe SolgaardThe purpose of this paper is to investigate whether consumer supermarket satisfaction is influenced by the mere composition of consumers' preference structure, as opposed to more…
Primary product network size on complementary product sales: Moderating effects of customer characteristics
Enping (Shirley) Mai, Jun Yang, Haozhe ChenThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between primary product network size and the sales of complementary products, and to suggest customer characteristics…
Baby boomers' reasons for choosing specific food shops
Tony Worsley, Wei Chun Wang, Wendy HunterBaby boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) are approaching retirement and there is concern about their preparation for their future health and wellbeing. Food shopping is…

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- Prof Neil Towers