Table of contents
Acceptance of online customization for apparel shopping
Hira Cho, Susan S. FioritoThe purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of successful customization of apparel in eāretailing and to provide managerial suggestions for strategic planning.
Investigating linkages between online purchase behaviour variables
Delia Vazquez, Xingang XuThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between the online consumer behaviour constructs of attitude, motivations and information search in order to develop an…
Gift shopping behavior in a multichannel retail environment: The role of personal purchase experiences
Hyun‐Hwa Lee, Jihyun KimTo date, most research focused on understanding the meanings and mechanism of gift giving behavior and there is little literature on channel usage behavior for gift shopping. The…
Use of scent in a naturally odourless store
Andrew G. ParsonsThe purpose of the paper is to introduce the concept of associated scents for retail stores that are normally odourless, and provide an understanding of how associated scent can…
Prevalence of country of origin associations on the supermarket shelf
Andrea Insch, Magdalena FlorekThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the prevalence and types of country associations on product labels and packages across a range of grocery product categories.

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers