Table of contents - Special Issue: Retailing and sport
Guest Editors: Rodney C. Runyan
Sports celebrity endorsements in retail products advertising
Karen E. Lear, Rodney C. Runyan, William H. WhitakerThe purpose of this paper is to extend previous research into sport celebrity endorsements by investigating such endorsements of products ultimately sold by retailers. This is…
The effects of negative information transference in the celebrity endorsement relationship
Darin W. White, Lucretia Goddard, Nick WilburThe purpose of this paper is to test empirically the impact of negative information about a celebrity spokesperson on consumers' perceptions of the endorsed brand. In addition, it…
A comparison of four strategies to promote fair trade products
Shih‐Mei Chen, Patricia HuddlestonThe purpose of this paper is, first, to assess the influence of four promotional strategies on students' purchase intention for fair trade coffee; and second to examine the effect…
Defining brand values through sponsorship
Nicholas AlexanderThe purpose of this paper is to consider sponsorship embedded within a brand strategy and how fit between the sponsor's and the sponsored brand provides a platform for the…
Delineating the outcomes of sponsorship: Sponsor image, word of mouth, and purchase intentions
Rodoula Tsiotsou, Konstantinos AlexandrisThe purpose of this paper is to propose a model in which fans' team attachment is the determinant of three sponsorship outcomes: sponsor image, purchase intentions, and word of…
Consumer‐brand relationships in sport: brand personality and identification
Brad D. Carlson, D. Todd Donavan, Kevin J. CumiskeyThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between the brand personality of a sports team and the related consumer outcomes of identification and retail…

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- Prof Neil Towers