Table of contents - Special Issue: Social and experiential retailing ‐ part 2
Guest Editors: Charles Dennis, Tamira King
The Body Shop and the role of design in retail branding
Tony Kent, Dominic StoneTo demonstrate how a company's retail store design relates to its brand and is influenced by, and contributes to, its corporate values.
Corporate brand image, satisfaction and store loyalty: A study of the store as a brand, store brands and manufacturer brands
Rita MartensonTo study the impact of the corporate store image on customer satisfaction and store loyalty in grocery retailing. Corporate (store) image is defined as the combined effect of how…
Specialty retail center's impact on downtown shopping, dining, and entertainment
Thomas J. MaronickTo examine the impact of Baltimore, Maryland USA festival market called Harbor Place on area residents' shopping, dining, and entertainment behavior over a 23‐year period.
Shopping motivation revised: a means‐end chain analytical perspective
Tillmann WagnerShopping motivation is one of the key constructs of research on shopping behavior and exhibits a high relevance for formulating retail marketing strategies. Previous studies of…
Personal privacy as a positive experience of shopping: An illustration through the case of online grocery shopping
Ronan de Kervenoael, Didier Soopramanien, Alan Hallsworth, Jonathan ElmsThis paper aims to demonstrate the need for an improved understanding of the opportunities offered by privacy online. This is contextualized in the case of supermarket purchases…
Surveying the use of sound in online stores: Practices, possibilities and pitfalls for user experience
Salvatore G. Fiore, Shaun KellyTo examine some of the issues surrounding the integration of auditory features at online stores with reference to social and experiential implications of implementing auditory…

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- Prof Neil Towers