International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 34 Issue 4/5


Table of contents - Special Issue: Electronic commerce in the retail sector: from exploratory channel to strategic necessity

Guest Editors: Neil F. Doherty, Fiona EllisChadwick

Comparing e‐service performance across industry sectors: Drivers of overall satisfaction in online retailing

Lauren M. Trabold, Gregory R. Heim, Joy M. Field

The online retail industry is enormous, covering a great assortment of products and services. Yet, little research has examined whether determinants of success in online retailing…


The provision of delivery information online: a missed opportunity

Kelly Page‐Thomas, Gloria Moss, David Chelly, Song Yabin

The purpose of this study is to investigate Western and Central European consumers and web retailers with respect to the importance and accessibility of delivery information…


Developing a framework for measuring physical distribution service quality of multi‐channel and “pure player” internet retailers

Yuan Xing, David B. Grant

Many traditional retailers use the internet as a complementary business channel and thus sell products through multiple channels. In contrast, “pure player” internet retailers…


Cross‐industry analysis of consumer assessments of internet retailers' service performances

Siohong Tih, Sean Ennis

To examine the service performance of a number of internet retailers and to identify differences (if any) in internet retailers' service performance across a series of attributes…


E‐shopping lovers and fearful conservatives: a market segmentation analysis

Chad R. Allred, Scott M. Smith, William R. Swinyard

To classify internet users into holiday shopper and non‐shopper segments, and to profile the demographic, psychographic, and computer use characteristics of each segment.


Why consumers hesitate to shop online: An experimental choice analysis of grocery shopping and the role of delivery fees

Yan Huang, Harmen Oppewal

To find out if and how delivery charge and three other situational factors affect consumers' grocery shopping channel choice.


The UK grocery business: towards a sustainable model for virtual markets

Ray Hackney, Kevin Grant, Grete Birtwistle

With the emergence of enabling internet technologies and increased competition between UK supermarkets has led the “big four” – Tesco, J Sainsbury, ASDA and Safeway/Morrisons – to…


E‐commerce adoption in the retail sector: empirical insights

Ralitza Nikolaeva

To investigate the determinants of e‐commerce adoption in the retail sector using duration analysis.


Applying the technology acceptance model to the online retailing of financial services

Sally McKechnie, Heidi Winklhofer, Christine Ennew

Extant research has examined consumer acceptance of the internet in various contexts mainly as a dichotomy (adoption/non‐adoption), thus ignoring the process underlying adoption…


New perspectives in internet retailing: a review and strategic critique of the field

Neil F. Doherty, Fiona E. Ellis‐Chadwick

The primary aim of this paper is to critically review the literature that explicitly addresses the adoption and application of internet technologies, by retailers, for the…

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  • Prof Neil Towers