Table of contents
Food retail change and the growth of food deserts: a case study of Cardiff
Cliff Guy, Graham Clarke, Heather Eyre“Food deserts” in British cities are partly the result of the expansion of multiple food retailing. New large stores force smaller stores to close down, thus depriving local…
Retail competition and consumer choice: contextualising the “food deserts” debate
Ian Clarke, Alan Hallsworth, Peter Jackson, Ronan de Kervenoael, Rossana Perez‐del‐Aguila, Malcolm KirkupThe “food deserts” debate can be enriched by setting the particular circumstances of food deserts – areas of very limited consumer choice – within a wider context of changing…
Measuring convenience: Scots’ perceptions of local food and retail provision
David FitchInterest is increasing interest in the links between social exclusion and access to both grocery and retail stores. There is however little knowledge of the extent to which…
Food access and dietary variety among older people
Lisa C. Wilson, Andrew Alexander, Margaret LumbersDecentralisation of many food retailers to edge‐of‐town and out‐of‐town locations has resulted in some older people experiencing difficulty in accessing food shops and those…
The Leeds “food deserts” intervention study: what the focus groups reveal
Neil Wrigley, Daniel Warm, Barrie Margetts, Michelle LoweThis paper outlines the research agenda of the food deserts in British Cities project, and reports findings from a set of qualitative focus group studies conducted following a…

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- Prof Neil Towers