Table of contents
Designing out crime: the retail perspective
Greg LawrenceLooks at various ways in which properties can be made more secure. Using a little thought and planning can make it more difficult for people to enter the property, and more…
Neighbourhood retailing and food poverty: a case study in Cardiff
Clifford GuyThis paper examines the role of neighbourhood stores in supplying food items of high nutritional value in areas of poor accessibility to large supermarkets or superstores…
Urban regeneration in New York: gardens and grocers
Stephen A. DoyleThis paper focuses on the decay and subsequent regeneration of Harlem, New York. It identifies the importance of retail provision in residential areas, not only in terms of…
Netrepreneur simulation: enterprise creation for the online economy
Salim Jiwa, Dawn Lavelle, Arjun RoseE‐business is being heralded as the “new economy”. However, developments in the area of new online business‐to‐consumer (B2C) venture creation has been accompanied by varying…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers