Table of contents
Retail development and urban regeneration: a case study of Castle Vale
Andrew Mitchell, Malcolm KirkupExplores the role of retail development in urban regeneration. Focuses on Castle Vale in Birmingham and considers the benefits arising from new retail development, the challenges…
Unjust des(s)erts: food retailing and neighbourhood health in Sandwell
David Rex, Angela BlairDescribes the context, motivation and findings of health sector‐led research into food retailing in an urban conurbation with significant levels of deprivation and a poor health…
Business improvement districts: an opportunity for SME retailing
Sophie Hogg, Dominic Medway, Gary WarnabyThis article considers the implications of the introduction of legislation enabling the creation of the US concept of business improvement districts (BIDs) into the UK. Based on…
Learning by stealth: introducing smaller retailers to the benefits of training and education in Barnet
Cathy Parker, Tracey Anthony‐Winter, David TabernacleFor many years, education providers and government‐led business support initiatives have tried to penetrate the SME retail sector, to facilitate an improvement in owner/manager…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers