Table of contents
Department stores in Spain: why El Corte Ingle´s succeeded where Galerías Preciados failed
Peter Gold, Lucy H. WoodliffeExplores and compares the strategic development of Spain’s two most important retail organisations, El Corte Inglés and Galerías Preciados. Both department stores were established…
Information technology in Saudi Arabia’s supermarket chains
Mohammed A. Al‐Sudairy, N.K.H. TangMany studies have been carried out on how Information Technology (IT) has transformed ways of doing business, but little is known about IT in the retail food industry in Saudi…
The art and science of retail location decisions
Tony Hernández, David BennisonAlthough formal techniques of locational analysis have been available for over 50 years, most retailers traditionally made no use of them, relying instead on intuition guided by…
Reasons for retailers’ involvement in town centre management
Dominic Medway, Gary Warnaby, David Bennison, Andrew AlexanderBuilding on an earlier publication in the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, the following article investigates the reasons for retailers’ involvement in…
Drivers to relational strategies in retailing
John EganRetailing, at first sight, appears to be an industry suitable for the exploitation of relational strategies. Despite this authors disagree about whether Relationship Marketing…

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- Prof Neil Towers