Table of contents
Viewpoint: reaching the consumer through e‐grocery VMI
Johanna Småros, Jan HolmströmCurrent e‐grocery models are based on the consumer making his or her purchase over the Internet, and the e‐grocer delivering the purchase to the household. However, there are…
Service quality in retailing: relative efficiency of alternative measurement scales for different product‐service environments
Subhash C. Mehta, Ashok K. Lalwani, Soon Li HanCurrent measures of service quality do not effectively capture customers’ perceptions of service quality for different types of retail stores. Explores the usefulness of SERVPERF…
An examination of the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and store loyalty
Eugene Sivadas, Jamie L. Baker‐PrewittUsing a national random telephone survey of 542 shoppers, examines the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and store loyalty within the retail department…
The impact of price and extra product promotions on store preference
Michael F. Smith, Indrajit SinhaFocuses on consumer evaluations of store preference when presented with promotional deals that are equivalent on a unit‐cost basis and/or are equivalent on a total cost basis but…
The supplier‐retailer relationship in the context of strategic groups
Francisco José Más RuízAims to extend the individual analysis of one supply sector to that of another, thereby permitting a more detailed examination, not only of the bilateral relationships that exist…

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- Prof Neil Towers