Table of contents
The evolution of managerial innovations in distribution: what prospects for ECR?
Beverly K. Brockman, Robert M. MorganEfficient consumer response (ECR) is arguably the most complex managerial innovation in distribution to be introduced in the US. As such, ECR holds great potential for retailing…
Designing a supply chain change process: a food distribution case
Donna Samuel, Peter HinesDescribes the approach one company has taken to develop such a logical, time‐phased supply chain improvement plan. This approach involves input from a range of representatives…
Cards in context – the comparative development of local loyalty schemes
Steve Worthington, Alan HallsworthOver the last five years, a great deal of attention has been paid to the genesis of what have come to be termed local loyalty cards. Researches the development of the pioneering…
Loyalty saturation in retailing: exploring the end of retail loyalty cards?
Claire Wright, Leigh SparksThe proliferation of retail loyalty schemes has been one of the most marked features of retail marketing in the 1990s. Many retailers have one in some guise or other. Their sheer…

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- Prof Neil Towers