Table of contents
Motives of Hong Kong‐Japanese international joint ventures in retailing
May M.L. WongThis paper attempts to study the motives behind a Hong Kong‐Japanese joint venture between two retailers from the perspectives of firm‐specific advantages provided by both…
Competitive strategies in Southern Europe: the case of Spanish retailers
Carlos Flavián, Yolanda PoloThis paper analyses the global evolution experienced by the retail food sector in Spain, taken as a model of a Southern European country. A detailed study is made of the main…
The internationalisation of European retailers in America: the US experience
Norberto Muñiz‐MartínezIt is true that the process of what has been termed the “globalisation” of the world economy is less noticeable in retail distribution than in other sectors more involved in…
Budgens plc: coping with competition in UK grocery retailing
Richard I. HawkesworthFive years ago, Budgens plc, Britain’s tenth largest grocery retailer, established an alliance with REWE of Germany to develop a discount format in the south of England ‐ Budgens’…

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- Prof Neil Towers