Table of contents
The development of a US retail format in Europe: the case of factory outlet centres
John Fernie, Suzanne I. FernieIt is not uncommon for the USA to be the origin of innovative retail formats. In recent years in the UK, the most recent retail out‐of‐town developments have their roots in the…
Store patronage and lifestyle factors: implications for rural grocery retailers
Pauline Sullivan, Ronald SavittPresents results of a study on outshopping grocery patterns of rural shoppers. The researchers mailed a questionnaire to residents in a rural Vermont area, asking them to record…
Proactive retail strategies based on consumer attitudes towards the community
Sang T. Choe, Glenn A. Pitman, Frances D. CollinsInvestigates the impact of retail customers’ attitudes towards local retail establishments and their impact on local retail trading behaviour. Heads of 206 households were…
Retailing and the Internet: a perspective on the top 100 US retailers
Michelle A. MorganoskyCompares and contrasts use of the Internet for the 100 largest US retail companies. Discusses availability of Internet addresses and online status in terms of retail types (food…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers