Table of contents
Need for uniqueness: shopping mall preference and choice activity
David J. Burns, Homer B. WarrenSince the store mix and product offerings of many regional shoppingmalls are very similar, often the primary discriminator between many ofthese centres is merely location. Making…
Shopper reactions to perceived time pressure
J. Duncan Herrington, Louis M. CapellaReports the results of an exploratory study of the effects of timepressure on consumer supermarket shopping behaviour. Unique to the studyare the use of measures of both actual…
China: the planned to free market paradigm
Brenda Sternquist, Zhou Xi QiaoReveals that the People′s Republic of China is a market intransition. The Chinese Government wants to modernize the retailindustry as part of the movement from a planned economy…
Store loyal? A view of “differential congruence”
Philip A. GartonArgues against the belief that the goal of “differentialcongruence” is critical to the achievement of store loyalty, andthereby to the success of retail business. This requires…
Speculative inventories in the food retailing industry: a comment on French practices
Gilles PachéExamines the reasons driving French food retailers to build majorspeculative inventories through forward buying from their suppliers.First analyses the origin of the phenomenon…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers