Table of contents
European Retailing: : Convergences, Differences and Perspectives
Andre TordjmanArgues that convergent trends in environmental evolution have led toconvergent swings towards structural changes in the European retailingmarket. However, substantial differences…
Tourists′ Perceptions of Service in Shops: : Japanese Tourists in Australia
Yvette Reisinger, Robert Z. WaryszakPresents the results of an exploratory study on Japanese tourists′perceptions of service quality in Australian shops. Eight areas ofservice were examined: the shop assistants…
The Role of Customer‐contact Personnel in the Marketing of a Retail Bank′s Services
Craig C. Julian, B. RamaseshanExamines the role and importance of customer‐contact personnel in themarketing of a bank′s financial services and the importance of customerservice in retail banking…
Importance‐Performance Analysis: : A Case Study in Restaurant Positioning
John C. Keyt, Ugur Yavas, Glen RieckenPresents an application of importance‐performance analysis. Usingrestaurants as a case in point, illustrates the derivation of a modifiedimportance‐performance matrix. The…

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- Prof Neil Towers