International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 20 Issue 4


Table of contents

Computer Models for Site Location Decisions

Bruce Curry, Luiz Moutinho

Considers alternative types of computer models designed to assistdecision makers on questions of site location. Relates to a larger scaleresearch project which aims to examine the…

Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Fast Food Operations

Mahmoud M. Yasin, Ugur Yavas

Describes the implementation of a total quality assurance system ina fast food restaurant. The operations of the restaurant were analysedto identify ways to improve the quality…


A Review of Sales Forecasting Models Most Commonly Applied in Retail Site Evaluation

David Rogers

Reviews the three sales forecasting models most commonly applied inretail site evaluation: multiple regression analysis; multiplediscriminant analysis; gravity models. Discusses…


Tesco and Marks & Spencer: Some Findings on Trading from a Shared Site

Alan G. Hallsworth, Joanne Wakeman

Discusses some of the implications of a policy such as that ofMarks & Spencer to augment its high street floorspace with a limitedselection of out‐of‐town developments. One such…

Serving up Good Systems

Jeff Cook

The development and use of computer systems and technology hasmoved on in the grocery sector from just buying packages or buildingoperational systems. Integration is crucial, and…

Estimating Shopping Centre Turnover: A Review of Survey Methods

Clifford M. Guy

Reviews methods of estimating shopping centre turnover in theabsence of published census information. Discusses use of market areaanalysis and reviews the experience of surveying…

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  • Prof Neil Towers