Logistics Information Management: Volume 8 Issue 3


Table of contents

The EC directive on packaging and packaging waste: current status and logistical implications

Gerard P. Prendergast

Discusses the relationship between logistics, packaging and theenvironment. Attempts to clarify industry confusion by identifying thecurrent status of the proposed EC Directive on


Information technology in the express transport industry

Robert Peel

Discusses the ways in which the express delivery industry hasaddressed the problems of data management through increasinglysophisticated automation. Describes the stages of…


Reducing commercial vehicle accidents through accident databases

Will Murray, Tony Whiteing

Commercial vehicle accidents impose very significant costs onindustry and society but for a variety of reasons the full costs areoften poorly understood. Advocates that vehicle…


Time‐based manufacturing logistics

B. Andries, L. Gelders

Proposes that, due to the changing market, companies can no longerwork with the logistic systems of the past but must develop new logisticconcepts, logistic management and control…


Verify at source and train staff

Brian Marcel

Describes how declining standards in printing quality are resultingin failure of barcodes to scan, and shows how the problem can be avertedif printers use film masters to print…


Distribution control systems within the supply chain

Ian Wilson

Recommends a distribution control system which provides control ofinformation and resource allocation throughout all stages of the supplychain, including delivery and sales order…


The well planned menu – logistics for an airline catering company

Rainer Szymanski

Describes the successful implementation by a major airline′scatering division of a comprehensive, computer‐controlled logisticssystem comprising two separate, fully automated…




Renamed from:

Logistics World

Online date, start – end:

1989 – 2003

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited