Logistics Information Management: Volume 12 Issue 3


Table of contents

Possible damages from the year 2000 problem

Capers Jones

Over the past 50 years computers and software have become indispensable parts of business, commerce, and government. Almost all major corporations now use computers and software…


Executive risks from the year 2000 software date problem

Capers Jones

The year 2000 date problem may become the most significant legal problem in history in terms of the numbers of law suits that might be filed. The number of personal law suits…


A call to action: the national and global implications of the year 2000 embedded systems crisis

Paula D. Gordon

Acknowledges the potential problems the year 2000 may cause to computer software and hardware, but emphasises the need to understand fully and acknowledge the challenges and…


Assessment of selected papers on the year 2000 problem

Jay Vern Wong, Ashraf W. Labib

Reviews two selected papers: “Circle of risk”, and “Time runs out”. Bases the selection of papers on several factors. The first paper on circles of risk, is quite relevant to the…


The millennium problem versus the maintenance problem

Ashraf W. Labib

Features of the maintenance problem are compared to those of the year 2000 (Y2K) problem. Similarities found suggest that lessons learnt from examining each problem can be applied…


Millennium bug ‐ are you solving the right problem?

Stephen G. Rostron

Asserts that the “millennium bug” debate generated by UK Government activity, PR and media activity is at last gathering momentum. Enlightened business people are already well…


The millennium bug and the potential impact on NHS hospitals

Peter Howell, Sally Smith, Mourad Labib

An NHS hospital is a complex organisation with many departments which are all inter‐dependent. The “millennium bug” can potentially affect any or all of its systems. Disruption in…


An enterprise transformation methodology to mitigate Y2K risk

Richard A. Leach, Larry Whitman, K.J. Rogers, D. Ryan Underdown

The end of the millennium may hold significant difficulties for any system dependent on computer dates. Computers which misinterpret the year 2000 and other significant dates may…



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Logistics World

Online date, start – end:

1989 – 2003

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Emerald Publishing Limited