Environmental Management and Health: Volume 6 Issue 2
Table of contents
Assessment of the Konya Irrigation Project with respect to water quality
Semra Siber UluatamAn environmental impact assessment, EIA, was carried out before thefinal development and implementation of an irrigation project with atotal area of 118,853 ha. in the Konya Plain…
Use of artificial neural networks: predicting trickling filter performance in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Hao‐Che Pu, Yung‐Tse HungArtificial neural networks (ANN) are used as an alternativefunction approximation tool for predicting the performance of tricklingfilter treatment process in a municipal…
Fate of heavy metals in the leather tanning industrial wastewater using an anaerobic process
Hussein I. Abdel‐Shafy, Werner Hegemann, Elke GenschowIn this study tannery industrial wastewater was supplied from aleather industry plant in the south of Germany. An anaerobic pilot plantwas erected for the treatment of this…
Health criteria for radon indoors
Michael J. SuessReports on the deliberations of a World Health Organization workinggroup which met in Eilat, Israel, in 1993 to discuss “riskassessment values”, and a unified approach to the…