Environmental Management and Health: Volume 5 Issue 1
Table of contents
ICP‐MS for Screening of Metal Ions in Algae and Waste Water
Erland Johansson, Torbjörn Willén, Roland Mattsson, Torsten LiljeforsBy using Inductively Coupled Plasma‐Mass Spectrometry (ICP‐MS)multi‐element analysis was performed on six toxic and one non‐toxiccyanobacteria and waste water. A method was…
A Molecular Basis for Understanding the Benefits from Subharmful Doses of Toxicants
R. van Wijk, H. Ooms, F.A.C. Wiegant, J.E.M. Souren, J.H. Ovelgönne, J.M. van Aken, A.W.J.M. BolIn the past many scientists have published papers on hormesis, onmolecular stress responses, and on the similia principle in homoeopathy.Very few, however, have stressed a common…
Environmental Effects of the War in Croatia
Mervyn RichardsonThe war in Croatia has caused very significant damage to chemical andallied industries. This damage has inflicted pollution to soils,groundwaters, major rivers used by third…
Transport and Air Pollution in California
Wyn GrantThe seriousness of California′s air quality problems has led to thedevelopment of innovative policies to tackle air pollution exemplifiedby the air quality management plan…