Environmental Management and Health: Volume 1 Issue 1
Table of contents
Highlights: Biological Effects of Non‐ionising Electromagnetic Radiations: Fact or Fiction?
J.G. LlauradoAfter analysing the differences between ionising and non‐ionisingradiations, the author considers the interaction between radiations andthe environment, in particular that…
Indicators for a Healthy City
Daniel CapponTwo detailed taxonomies designed to help define the relationshipsbetween a city′s environment and the health of its citizens aredescribed. The first taxonomy enumerates the…
Copper‐Carbohydrate Interaction: Part I
Meira FieldsRecent studies have shown that the type of dietary carbohydrateconsumed greatly affects copper homeostasis. Simple sugars such assucrose and fructose exacerbate the signs…
Hazardous Waste Products and Problems
Michael J. SuessPrinciples for managing hazardous waste include elimination, ifpossible, reduction, changing processes and product lines, treatment anddisposal. Exports should be drastically…
Biological Treatment of Landfill Leachate
Carlo Collivignarelli, Stefano BinaAs is known, leachate produced in a municipal solid waste landfillhas very high concentrations of organic and inorganic pollutionsubstances. Hence when present in deep or surface…
Long‐term Health Effects of Environmental Pollution: A Third World Perspective
C.R. Krishna MurtiThe effect of social‐national development in the context of thecurrent environmental crisis, particularly in the Third World isexamined. The health effects of chemical pollution…