International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 8 Issue 3


Table of contents

Customer contributions and roles in service delivery

Mary Jo Bitner, William T. Faranda, Amy R. Hubbert, Valarie A. Zeithaml

Focuses on the roles of customers in creating quality and productivity in service experiences. Presents two conceptual frameworks to aid managerial understanding and focus…


On the relationship between customer participation and satisfaction: two frameworks

Deborah L. Kellogg, William E. Youngdahl, David E. Bowen

Presents a programme of research from which a typology of service customers’ quality assurance behaviours was developed. The typology’s four behaviours define the broad range of…


A comparison of hospital quality programmes: lessons for other services

John Øvretveit

Describes the experiences of several public hospitals which have implemented quality methods and management and lists some of the lessons they learned that could be usefully…


The qualitative satisfaction model

Bernd Stauss, Patricia Neuhaus

Notes that the premiss of all efforts to achieve customer satisfaction is the basic assumption that customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty. Although this thesis sounds…


Organizational teamworking frameworks: evidence from UK and USA‐based firms

Richard Teare, Hadyn Ingram, Eberhard Scheuing, Colin Armistead

Draws from case study research conducted in 14 UK and USA‐based manufacturing and service firms, most with mature teamworking structures. Aims to examine practitioner perspectives…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited