International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 7 Issue 2


Table of contents

Customization of the service experience: the role of the frontline employee

Lance A. Bettencourt, Kevin Gwinner

Emphasizes that customizing the delivery of service on the frontline is a key to customer satisfaction. Offers insight into frontline customization by offering specific research…


Agents of change?: Bank branch managers and the management of corporate culture change

Bjorn Brubakk, Adrian Wilkinson

Discusses the increase in interest (both managerial and theoretical) in the field of corporate culture. Drawing on research in the financial services, points to the critical role…


Cues used by customers evaluating corporate image in service firms: An empirical study in financial institutions

Gaston LeBlanc, Nha Nguyen

Investigates the concept of corporate image in intangible services with data collected from 342 customers of a financial institution. Identifies four factors that explain…


Management accounting and control in services: structural and behavioural perspectives

Sven Modell

Notes the increasing interest in management accounting research in service organizations, even though it can still be said to be in an embryonic phase. Reviews the accounting and…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited