International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 6 Issue 3
Table of contents
New modes of innovation: How services benefit industry
Jean Gadrey, Faïz Gallouj, Olivier WeinsteinDespite the significance of services in the economic statistics,economic theories of innovation have tended to ignore them, or to assumethat innovation in services consists of…
Assimilation processes in service satisfaction formation
Rik Pieters, Kitty Koelemeijer, Henk RoestWhen assimilation processes occur, expectations have a directimpact on experiences, and experiences bias the memory for priorexpectations. Reports the results of two studies which…
Consumers’ emotional responses to service encounters: the influence of the service provider
Linda L. Price, Eric J. Arnould, Sheila L. DeiblerReports on a study looking at dimensions of service providerperformance that influence immediate emotional responses to serviceencounters, based on 914 service encounters…
Towards the measurement of internal service quality
Javier Reynoso, Brian MooresIn the service sector literature, both marketers and organizationalbehaviourists emphasize the importance of the internal dynamics of theorganization in terms of a network of…
An experimental investigation of halo effects in satisfaction measures of service attributes
Jochen Wirtz, John E.G. BatesonMany service firms measure satisfaction or quality on an attributelevel. Halo effects between attributes have been shown to exist in manycontexts mainly in social psychology and…