International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 5 Issue 5
Table of contents
Making Relationship Marketing Operational
Evert GummessonBased on a research project with the purpose of defining the essence andscope of relationship marketing (RM). The marketing mix theory, whichconstitutes the prevailing approach to…
Managing Customer Relationships for Profit: The Dynamics of Relationship Quality
Kaj Storbacka, Tore Strandvik, Christian GrönroosAddresses customer‐relationship economic issues, more specifically thelink between service quality and profitability from a relationshipmarketing and management perspective. In…
Relationship Marketing and Collaborative Networks in Service Organizations
David W. Cravens, Nigel F. PiercyThe development of collaborative network structures is an increasinglysignificant issue in the services industry. These interorganizationalrelationships are formed to gain…
Relationship Marketing from a Value System Perspective
Uta Jüttner, Hans Peter WehrliRecent discussion about relationship marketing as a new marketingconcept is strongly connected with a novel perspective on exchangeprocesses as the core of marketing. Suggestions…