International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents

The “Coping” Capacity Management Strategy in Services and the Influence on Quality Performance

Colin Armistead, Graham Clark

Matching supply and demand in services by capacity management has adirect influence on the ability of the service delivery system toachieve service quality and resource…


A Study of Price and Quality in Service Operations

Injazz J. Chen, Atul Gupta, Walter Rom

Studies the relationship between perceived price and perceived qualityfor the three types of services, namely, pure, mixed, andquasi‐manufacturing classified by Chase and Tansik…


The Internal Service Encounter

Dwayne D. Gremler, Mary Jo Bitner, Kenneth R. Evans

An internal customer′s (i.e. employee′s) satisfaction with a servicefirm can be significantly influenced by service encounters experiencedwith internal service providers. For…


Arbitration Outcomes in the Service Sector: An Empirical Assessment

Peter K. Mills, Dan R. Dalton

While labour arbitration is established as the final stage of disputeresolution in virtually every collective bargaining agreement, there hasbeen no attention focusing on its role…


Strategic Types of Services and International Marketing

Liisa Valikangas, Uolevi Lehtinen

Introduces a strategic typology of services (generic, specialized andcustomized services). Discusses their implications for internationalmarketing strategies. Presented as tools…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited