International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 4 Issue 4


Table of contents

Staff Perceptions of Service Quality in a UK Clearing Bank: Some Empirical Findings

Barry Howcroft

Attempts to ascertain the views of clerical staff in a major UKclearing bank on the quality of customer service within the retailbranch network by a field survey together with a…


Evaluating a Financial Service Opportunity via Judgemental Modelling

Pete Naudé, Geoff Lockett, Ian Blackman

The financial services market is currently undergoing tremendouschange, due to the twin influences of developments in the field ofElectronic Data Interchange (EDI) and changes in…


Service Quality Components and Group Criteria in Local Government

Don Scott, David Shieff

Uses exploratory factor analysis to investigate the dimensions ofservice which consumers of local government services use as a basis fortheir judgement of service quality: 30…


CEOs′ Views on Good Management Practices in Victoria, Australia

Alan Simon

Reports research conducted in 1991 among Chief Executive Officers(CEOs) of advertising agencies, banks, airlines and large touristcompanies in Melbourne in order to canvass their…


Recreational Service Quality in the International Setting

Steven A. Taylor, Alex Sharland, J. Joseph Cronin, William Bullard

The following study suggests that the recrational services sector represents a growing, yet currently understudied, opportunity in the area of international services marketing…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited